We publish books for a healthier, happier, more interesting life – intelligent books with practical applications. We focus on identifying real problems and finding real solutions, providing well-researched and expert advice, spreading kindness and understanding, looking out at the world as well as in to ourselves, being inclusive and open-minded. We take our readers seriously but we know they have a sense of humour too. We cover useful science, psychology, food, health and fitness, major life moments, skills, craft and creativity, home, nature and sustainability; gift, memoir and even some fiction. Souvenir Press was founded in 1951 by Ernest Hecht, who owned and ran the company until his death in 2018. You can read more about him here, and we recommend it, he was remarkable! After Ernest died, Souvenir became an imprint of Profile Books, another fiercely independent company. Thanks for visiting our website – we hope you find something interesting to you, and do join us on social media (see icons below).

Murdle: The School of Mystery

G. T. Karber

The fourth book in the bestselling mini mystery puzzle series that challenges you to find whodunit, where and why!

Raised By Narcissists

Sarah Davies

A trusted psychologist helps you identify and work through the long-term effects of having a narcissistic parent

Raising Resilience

Tovah P. Klein

Leading child development expert presents this positive guide to nurturing children through times of uncertainty and using them as opportunities of su…

Art & Fear

David Bayles

The bestselling cult classic that offers a roadmap to overcoming the daily obstacles of a creative life

The Truth Detective

Alex O'Brien

How to navigate a world of deception and find the truth using the rules of poker.

Murdle: Even More Killer Puzzles

G. T. Karber

The third volume in the SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING Murdle puzzle series

The Unexpected

Emily Oster

A data driven guide of navigating pregnancy complications and what to expect when expecting again.

The Calm Skin Guide

Jae Rance

A friendly parent's guide to understanding, managing and living with childhood eczema

How to Find a Four-Leaf Clover

Jodi Rodgers

An expert on neurodivergent relationships helps us to better understand and connect with the autistic people in our lives using a blend of science and…


Nahid de Belgeonne

Restore your overworked nervous system with the transformative powers of movement

How to ADHD

Jessica McCabe

A smart self-help guide to thriving with ADHD by the creator of the wildly popular YouTube channel How to ADHD

Play With Your Cat!

Mikel Maria Delgado

Why interactive play is essential for your cat's wellbeing and how to do it well